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BREC Conservation
Volunteer & Staff Opportunities
BR Boom Bash - Bayou Fountain Cleanup Event

Several organizations are coming together to clean up Bayou Fountain and WE NEED YOUR HELP!

So grab your paddle and join us at BREC's Highland Community Park Boat Launch to help us remove litter by boat from Bayou Fountain. This event, coordinated by Paddle BR, the Baton Rouge Stormwater Coalition and BREC is in conjunction with the placement of a new litter collection boom, acquired by the Stormwater Coalition, which will stop litter from moving downstream of the Bayou. The goal is to clear the waterway of litter so it can stay clean now that the boom is in place and to track where new litter is entering downstream.

This boom is the first of its kind on Bayou Fountain and will help to keep upstream trash from making its way to the more naturalized, frequently paddled portion of the waterway. Come help us kick off this exciting first step to keeping our bayou litter free!.

July 24
8 a.m.-12:30 p.m
Highland Road Community Park Park
14024 Highland Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70810

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Natural Resource Management is Hiring!

We are looking for a passionate individual who will not only assist with maintaining our trail system, but also assist with maintaining green infrastructure and plantings throughout the parish! Share with someone you know or apply today!

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