- Wi-Fi
- Restrooms
- Golf Course (18)
- Pavilion
- Playground
- Recreation Center
The most popular of BREC's courses, Webb Memorial is an 18-hole course that measures 6,349 yards in length. Large oak trees line the fairways of this golf course that is ideally situated off of College Drive.
The course was originally built as a private club in the 1920's in one of Baton Rouge's most affluent neighborhoods. It opened in 1924 and became a municipal course in 1941. Webb Memorial also features a fitness center. Learn to play better golf by being physically golf fit! There is a specially designed fitness area for golfers to work out, with plenty of equipment designed specifically to strengthen and enhance your swing. Tee times may be booked six days in advance.
Volunteer to be a Golf Marshal: https://onboarding.givepulse.com/event/540314-Webb-Memorial
For more information, visit golf.brec.org.
Webb Memorial Park Recreation and Senior Center
Webb Park is home to BREC's newest senior center. Dozens of classes and activities are programmed including art classes, exercise, crafts, flower arranging, yoga, quilting, etc.