Imagine Your Parks - 2005-2014 Portfolio
Table of Contents
Nearly a decade ago, BREC implemented the "Imagine Your Parks" strategic plan which was created after a year and a half of surveys, community meetings, brainstorming sessions and public planning meetings. The results transformed the parks system in East Baton Rouge Parish featuring 12 new community parks, five dog parks, Liberty Lagoon Water Park, skateboard parks, fishing ponds, a new conservation area in Central for hikers and nature lovers, improved playgrounds, a growing trails system, a mobile playground unit as well as renovations to our neighborhood parks and special use facilities such as the Realm of the Tiger exhibit at BREC's Baton Rouge Zoo.
The IYP 2005-2014 Portfolio lists construction projects that are a direct result of the successful passing of the November 2, 2004 ballot initiative to improve our public park system. Some of these projects are also from the renewal of a 10-year capital tax, held on April 17, 2004.
Awards & Recognition
The Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of East Baton Rouge received nineteen (19) awards for various projects during the Imagine Your Parks 2005-2014 period. Awards were received from the following
- ASLA Merit Award
- Baton Rouge Growth Coalition Good Growth Award
- Great Place in Louisiana Award
- LRPA Outstanding Park/Facility Design Class II
- LRPA Outstanding Park/Facilit Design Class I
- NACPRO 2009 Operational Support Facility Award
- NACPRO 2010 Environmental/Conservation Award of Recognition
- NACPRO Park & Rec Facility-Class I Award of Recognition
- NRPA Outstanding Park/Facility Design Award-Class II
- South Central Construction Best of Awards
Click here to view the current 2025-2034 IYP3 System Wide Master Plan.