BREC Athletics

BREC Athletics

Athletics Leagues

From youth to senior leagues, BREC offers sports action throughout the year! BREC offers junior and adult sporting activities to the community through individual and team registration. The league play location depends on the majority of registered participants' preference and field availability. In addition, BREC offers sport clinics around East Baton Rouge Parish to teach children and teens the fundamentals of a given sport. All league registrations are held at the BREC Administration Building located at 6201 Florida, Blvd.

Looking for rules or how to get your team registered. Visit our rules & forms page.

Join the BREC Athletics Facebook Group to stay in contact with other BREC Athletics league participants and get up to date information.

Youth Leagues 

 Adult Leagues



Clear Bag Policy for Athletic Facilities

BREC prohibits all bags, backpacks and other carriers from being brought into the stadium with the following exceptions: 

These include the following clear bags:  

Please note, the stadium bag policy will be enforced for all stadium events including concerts, matches, youth and hosted High School home games, unless otherwise noted.  
The stadium bag policy applies to all patrons attending events. All patrons may be subject to search upon re-entry 
Event and or facility officials, staff and players are excluded from the clear bag policy.  
Should you have any questions regarding the bag policy, please email All approved bags are subject to inspection upon entry and are subject to additional inspections within the stadium. 
Guests with bags or items that do not satisfy the BREC Stadium Bag Policy are encouraged to return their bags or items to their vehicle. 
Bag check service is not available


All managers/coaches must take the SPORTSMANSHIP class. (NFHS Sportsmanship Course)
Football manager/coaches must also complete the concussion training.
Submit completion certificate(s) with registration.

All participants in BREC Athletics programs are required to complete the Waiver/Release form.
Download Athletics Waiver/Release Form Here


All participants in adult leagues must fill out the Household Information Form.

Download Household Information Form here


Don't have a team? Register as a FREE AGENT! We cannot guarantee a team spot to those registering as an individuals.
For more info, contact our athletics team via or at 225-272-9200


Interested in more sports around BREC? Check them out below.