Rentals & Parties
Rental Opportunities
Looking for a place to have your next party? Try BREC! We have plenty of rental opportunities available around the parish. You can rent a picnic pavilion at one of our parks and have an outdoor get together. You can also try one of our special facilities (like Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center or Farr Park Equestrian Center) for a really unique party.
Athletics/Sports Facilities
Click here to see all Athletics/Sports Facilities Rentals
- Ball Fields
- Central Sports Complex
- Extreme Sports Park
- Highland Road Cross Country Venue
- Oak Villa Stadium
- Olympia & Memorial Stadium
- Tennis Facilities
- UpperDeck Batting Cages - closed for maintenance
General Park & Picnic Pavilions
Click here to see all General Park & Picnic Pavilions Rentals
Special Facilities
Click here to see all Special Facilities Rentals
- Airline Fairgounds
- Baton Rouge Gallery
- Baton Rouge Zoo
- Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center
- Baton Rouge Garden Center at Independence Botanical Gardens
- Farr Park Equestrian Center
- Independence Park Theatre
- Liberty Lagoon
- Magnolia Mound Plantation
- Milton J. Womack Building
- North Sherwood Virtual Park
- Santa Maria Banquet Facility
General Rental Information
All parks are still first-come, first-serve for picnic pavilion usage. However, park users can now rent pavilions in a growing number of BREC parks. These park sites are in high demand. Renting a picnic pavilion allows the park user to have some "peace of mind" when preparing a child's birthday party, family reunion or association gathering at that park. If you rent a pavilion, then there is no reason to go to the park to "stake out" your tables and pavilion ahead of time. The site will be clean and ready upon your arrival.
Renting Recreation Centers
Many of our recreation centers are available for rent. For a complete list of the centers, visit the Recreation Centers page. To rent the facility, contact the center staff at the phone number listed.
Rental Rules & Regulations
Before renting a picnic pavilion or park facility, please read the rules and regulations.
Download the Park Policy Information.
Making a Reservation
BREC requires at least a 2-week notice for all pavillion rentals. No permit will be issued until rental fees and damage deposits have been paid in full. All pavilion rental payments must be made in person. Telephone reservations will not be accepted; however, you can call 273-6400 to check availability of a date. We cannot hold a reservation date over the phone.
Requests for Refund Due to Rain
Refunds will only be given with proper advanced notification or if the event is a total rain-out. Proper notification will be considered a written notice to BREC received at least 7 days prior to the scheduled event. Rain-outs will be considered a day of inclement weather which prohibits your usage of the pavilion. Once the pavilion is occupied, there are no refunds due to inclement weather and you forfeit your rental fee. A $5 processing fee will be assessed for every rental refund.Written requests for refunds due to inclement weather must be received within seven days of the pavilion reservation. Written refund requests may be mailed to BREC, ATTN: Recreation Department, 6201 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806. Issuance of refund checks for payment made by check or cash takes approximately 4-6 weeks.
If you need to modify an existing reservation (time, date, etc.), it must be done at least 7 days prior to scheduled use. All modifications are subject to availability. Call 225-273-6400 for modifications.
Helpful Planning Information
- No activities may be held after 10 p.m.
- Pets must be leashed at all times
- No alcoholic beverages may be brought onto or sold on BREC property
- Groups of 75 people or more will be considered a special event and require a special event permit.
Special Event Permits Links
Special Event Permit Policy
Special Event Permit Application.
In case of an emergency at the park site, call BREC Park Rangers, 225-252-2620.