Baton Rouge Soccer Club and BREC - A Partnership for the Growth of Soccer

Through a successful cooperative endeavor agreement, BREC and Baton Rouge Soccer Club have been able to offer quality soccer facilities and programming to the Greater Baton Rouge Area. BRSC has developed and implemented high quality recreational programs for youth of all ages, premier soccer for the player who seeks high-level competition, accessible soccer for people with disabilities, and adult leagues for men and women from age 19 to senior citizen. BREC has developed, built, and maintained first class dedicated soccer facilities at the 22 field Burbank Soccer Complex, and the seven field Independence Park Complex. With over 6,500 members, BRSC and BREC have been the recognized leaders in the expansion of soccer as the fastest growing team sport in the Baton Rouge community.
To schedule field usage at either complex, find out information about leagues or programs, or register for soccer, please contact the Baton Rouge Soccer Club at 225-924-2157 or go to their website at www.brsoccer.org.
All use of fields must be authorized by Baton Rouge Soccer Club (BRSC). To schedule field use or to view fields that are available for open play, pick-up or practice at any of the BRSC partnered complexes go to brsoccer.org. For information on league or programs, or to register for soccer, please contact BRSC at 225-924-2157 or go to their website at www.brsoccer.org.
North Baton Rouge Soccer League

If you live in North Baton Rouge, the North Baton Rouge Youth Soccer Association schedules programs at Clark Park. The contact for the North Baton Rouge Soccer Association is Myron Emanuel.
The North Baton Rouge Youth Soccer Recreational Program stresses the fundamentals of soccer and concentrates on the players having fun playing soccer. In conjunction with having fun, our recreational coaches try to instruct our players in the basic skills and strategy of playing soccer. Recreational Soccer is generally split in three or four different age level groups (Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade, 3rd and 4th Grade and sometimes 5th and 6th grade) and encourage fellowship and enjoyment of the game of soccer. In the Recreational League, winning is not a priority; quite the contrary, learning about the game of soccer and having fun with the rest of the team is the priority. The Recreational League has two seasons: fall season usually starting in September, and spring season starting in March.
For more information about this league call 225-590-0730 or visit www.nbrysa.org.
BREC also maintains a host of multiple-use fields with soccer goals at several sites throughout East Baton Rouge Parish.
Please note that BREC does not register children or adults for soccer programs. Registration is handled by the various soccer organizations throughout the community.