Public Meeting Comment Protocol
Anyone who would like to make a public comment may email the comment to public.comment@brec.org to be read aloud. You may also email your name to the same email address to be recognized to speak. You will be allowed to comment when your name is called. If you did not submit a request by email you may send a message in the Zoom Webinar Q & A function asking to speak and will be recognized after submitting your name. When recognized, you will be asked to state your name and address. Attendees may also raise their hands. After everyone has been recognized, using these methods, we will ask if there are any additional speakers.
- Each speaker will be allowed two (2) minutes to share their position.
- All persons wishing to speak must state their name for the record.
- Professional meeting decorum is extremely important and at any point during the meeting if the speaker uses profanity, shouts, or disregards for the 2-minute speaker rule, steps will be taken to bring the meeting back to order.
- If the meeting runs too long the Chair can set a time for the public comment period to end.