News BREC to Hold Six Additional Community Meetings Regarding Reimagined Greenwood Regional Park and Baton Rouge Zoo

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Baton Rouge, LouisianaBREC will hold six community meetings to collect input from residents across the parish on the proposal to create the first of its kind regional park at Greenwood and to find a more sustainable location for the Baton Rouge Zoo. The BREC Commission will vote on taking the next step in the process at its regularly scheduled meeting August 24 at 5 p.m.
The meetings will begin at 6 p.m. and include opportunities for residents to review potential amenities at both locations, ask questions of staff, vote on the ideas they like best as well as share ideas of their own. At 6:30, they will view a presentation from BREC Superintendent Carolyn McKnight, and provide public comments.
The meetings will be held in the following locations:
- July 11 – Perkins Road Community Park
- July 13 – Highland Road Community Park
- August 1 – Central Library
- August 3 – Zachary Library
- August 8 – Independence Park Theatre
- August 14 – Greenwood Waterfront Theater
“These meetings are designed to give residents across the parish a chance to weigh in on this proposal and give us their ideas,” said BREC Superintendent Carolyn McKnight. “We have been pleased with the thoughtful discussions that have already taken place and are hopeful those will continue in the coming weeks as we seek approval to take the next step in this process,” McKnight said.
For those who are unable to attend in person, the meetings will be streamed live on BREC’s website at and will be broadcast on Facebook Live. Viewers are welcome to send in questions on BREC’s Facebook page: @brecparks. BREC will also continue to collect information through an online survey at: