Greenway Planning


CMAQ Greenway - Scotlandville Parkway to Downtown - Visit Facility Page

Project Updates

  • April 2022: BREC was awarded a $3.7 million Congestion, Mitigation, and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant to construct a bicycle and pedestrian trail connecting the Scotlandville Parkway at Monte Sano Avenue to Memorial Park. BREC is also funding an extension of the trail to Spanish Town Road Park.

  • February 2023: DOTD and BREC have reviewed final plans; awaiting comments from City-Parish.

  • May 2023: BREC has received comments from the City-Parish on the final project plans, which the consultant is revising.

  • March 2024: Bid awarded, Contracting underway.

  • September 2024: Notice to Proceed issued to the Contractor.

  • Estimated Completion for Current Improvements: Late 2025
Scotlandville Parkway - Visit Facility Page

Project Updates

  • April 2022: The updated Master Plan is in the final stages of receiving public input. The final plan is expected to be completed in Summer 2022. BREC received an approximately $1 Million Grant from the DOTD Transportation Program.

  • February 2023: Master Plan complete. Obtaining environmental clearance from DOTD for Phase 1.

  • May 2023: Master Plan complete. Obtaining environmental clearance from DOTD for Phase 1.  The schematic design is nearly completed, and construction documents will begin soon.  Several bridges that were damaged are currently being designed.
Dawson Creek Greenway - Visit Facility Page

Project Updates

  • April 2022: BREC has acquired many of the necessary servitude agreements with property owners to construct additional portions of the trail. (Phase II & III)

  • February 2023: "The Grove" segment is in design. Contract negotiations for the "Perkins to Paulat" segment are underway.

  • June 2023: "The Grove" segment is in design and is currently under the plan review process.


More about BREC Greenways and Blueways