Howell Community Park - Improvements

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New Features in Current Project Improvements:

  • Demolition of old recreation center
  • NEW Recreation Center
  • NEW Pool & Bath House
  • NEW Parking Lot

Project Updates

  • September 2020 - Building demoliton to be completed soon; construction to begin shortly
  • October 2020 - Demolition complete
  • November 2020 - Pre-construction planning
  • January 2021 - 5% Complete, construction underway; major demolition is in progress with earthwork and utility installation to follow.
  • February 2021 - 8% Complete, demo is largely complete and some site utility installation continuing
  • March 2021 - 15% Complete, Demo is complete, site earthwork and creating retention pond
  • April 2021 - 18% Complete, site utility infrasureture to be completed
  • June 2021 - 25% Complete, earthwork and infrasureture construction continues.
  • August 2021 - 28% Complete, Forming the building foundation and preparing for concrete pour.
  • November 2021 - 33% Complete, Continuing the forming the building foundation and preparing for concrete pour.
  • February 2022 - 40% Complete, Building slab is poured and strucatural steel is up for rec center and pool house, plumbing installation underway and installation of metal wall studs.
  • May 2022 - 47% Complete, Building's structional steel and metal studs Structural steel and metal studs are mostly complete and plumbing and electrial mostly complete.
  • June 2022 - 50% Complete, Roof and HVAC installation underway.
  • August 2022 - 55% Complete, HVAC rough-in complete, electrical and plumbing rough-in complete
  • NOVEMBER 2022 - 61% Complete, Building panels installation continues. Parking lot lighting foundations underway.
  • February 2023 - 65% Complete, Working on interior insulation and finishes.
  • March 2023 - 68% Complete, Progressing on sheetwork installation and interior finish work.  Pool excastion has begun.  Exterior building panels nearing completion and site work is progressing.
  • April 2023 - 70% Complete, Interior finish work continues,pool shell has been constructed, and site work continues.
  • May 2023 - 72% Complete, Site work, interior drywall and painting continues.
  • June 2023 - 73% Complete, project continues.
  • July 2023 - 75% Complete, pond excavation and site work being completed, painting and interior finishing up, including tile work, exterior ADA hand rails being installed, and work on swimming pool is continuing.
  • August 2023 - 78% Complete, site work continues, excavation of large pond completed. Plumbing fixtures and cabinetry installation underway.
  • September 2023 - 80% Complete, interior finish work is underway and site work on the parking lots and sidewalks continues.
  • October 2023 - 83% Complete, bath house interior painting and floors installed, plumbing fixtures in the rec center, drop ceilings completed and prepping for floors. Exterior site work continues, including, drainage, concrete work, rain gardens, and prep for parking lot.
  • November 2023 - 85% Complete, partiton installed in meeting rooms, curb parking lot installation almost completed.
  • December 2023 - 90% complete. Pool decking has been poured and installed, pool fence has been installed, all parking lot curbs poured and installed. Parking lot site work and drainage work continues.
  • January 2024 - 91% complete. Interior flooring installation is complete
  • March 2024 - 95% complete. Buildings are largely complete; site parking lot work and landscaping work continues.
  • April 2024 - 97% complete
  • May 2024 - 99% complete; awaiting punchlist and occupancy

Estimated Completion for Current Improvements: First Quarter 2024


Previous Improvements


  • NEW playground shade sails

COMPLETED JANUARY 2021 (Click to view project timeline)

Project Updates:

  • SEPTEMBER 2019 - out to bid
  • NOVEMBER 2019 - Contracting
  • JANUARY 2020 - Consturction underway, 5% Completed
  • FEBRUARY 2020 - 10% Completed, under construction
  • APRIL 2020 - 15% Complete, Shade Sails and Columns in Fabrication
  • JUNE 2020 - cutting away the rubber play surface at each of the column locations.  Steel columns have arrived.  Auguring the shafts to begin soon
  • SEPTEMBER 2020 - 95% Complete, sails installed, couple of remaining punch list items to be completed
  • OCTOBER 2020 - 99% Complete, Continuing construction of shade sails
  • JANUARY 2021 - 100% Complete, Project completed



  • NEW fishing and paddling pond
  • NEW earthen amphitheater
  • NEW lighted basketball courts
  • NEW driveways and parking
  • NEW walking and jogging track
  • NEW adventure playground
  • NEW multi-use athletic field
  • IMPROVED bridges

COMPLETED APRIL 2018(Click to view project timeline)

Project Updates:

  • JUNE 2015 - First public meeting held at Howell Park
  • SEPTEMBER 22, 2015 - Second public meeting held
  • OCTOBER 3-4, 2015 - Scientific surveys conducted of 306 households in 2 mile radius of Howell Park
  • NOVEMBER 2015 - Commission approved closing and repurposing Howell Golf Course
  • DECEMBER 11, 2015 - Final Conceptual Master Plan created
  • JANUARY 2016 - Selecting consultant to work on design/construction drawings
  • FEBRUARY 2016 - Consultant selected to work on design/construction drawings
  • APRIL 2016 - Consultant working through Schematic Design – Working on Budget
  • SEPTEMBER 2016 - Howell Golf Course Closed
  • SEPTEMBER 23, 2016 - Groundbreaking held for Phase 1 of Master Plan
  • NOVEMBER 2016 - Construction is underway and the lake is roughly 70% excavated
  • MARCH 2017 - Concrete installation has begun with roads and parking to follow soon
  • OCTOBER 2017 - Construction estimated at 85% completion. Spring 2018 grand opening likely
  • JANUARY 2018 - Athletic Field lighting & golf pro-shop demolition underway
  • FEBRUARY 2018 - Grand Opening scheduled for April 2018; Final preparations underway
  • APRIL 2018 - Grand Opening held


Other Park Updates:

  • November 2018 - Former golf pro shop & recreation center demolished
  • January 2019 - Baton Roots raised gardens put in place, tractor farming and storage areas upcoming

The urban farm is a joint project with Baton Roots.