- Restrooms
- Pickleball Court (Lighted)
- Tennis Center
- Tennis Court (Lighted)
A 20% surcharge will be applied on out-of-parish registrations for any BREC program that has an activity number.
Greenwood Community Park Racquet Facility
Robert Kelly, Pickleball Instructor, 225-209-8310 or Robert.Kelly@brec.org
Facility Telephone: 225-778-4040
16 Lighted Pickleball Courts
2 Lighted Tennis Courts
Fees: $5 per person per day for unlimited play during hours of operation
For more information on places to play pickleball, go to brec.org/pickleball.
Youth Programs
191022-00-02 Spring Holiday Pickleball Clinic (Ages 6-17) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, April 21, 23, and 25, from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Learn to play pickleball! Equipment provided. $30 per person for one day per week; $55 per person for two days per week; and $80 per person for all three days. Registration Deadline: Thursday, April 17. Instructor: Robert Kelly. Click here to register.
291022-02 Summer Junior Pickleball Camp (Ages 6-17) Monday-Friday, June 9-13. Learn the game of pickleball or improve your game. Monday-Thursday from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:30-11:30 a.m. $180 per person. Campers must bring their own lunch. Registration Deadline: Friday, June 6. Camp Director: Robert Kelly. Registration for EBR residents opens March 8, 2025. Registration for out-of-parish residents opens March 18, 2025. Click here to register.
291022-01 Tops Junior Tennis and Pickleball Camp (Ages 6-17) Monday-Friday, June 16-20. Learn the games of tennis and pickleball. Monday-Thursday from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:30-11:30 a.m. $180 per person. Campers must bring their own lunch. Registration Deadline: Friday, June 13. Camp Directors: Jeff Conyers and Robert Kelly. Registration for EBR residents opens March 8, 2025. Registration for out-of-parish residents opens March 18, 2025. Click here to register.
Adult Programs
Intermediate and Advanced Pickleball Program Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5-9 p.m. This is an open play competition opportunity for intermediate and advanced pickleball players. $5 per person per day includes court fees.
Free Fridays Pickleball/Tennis Play Free play every Friday from 8 a.m.-noon. All levels. No charge.
Want to reserve courts for a pickleball tournament? Adult tournaments serving alcoholic beverages must also complete the Alcohol Policy Contract Addendum.
Private lessons are available with BREC approved pickleball or tennis instructors.
Contact Greenwood Community Park Racquet Facility at 225-778-4040 for more information.

Intermediate and Advanced Pickleball

Free Fridays Pickleball/Tennis Play

Intermediate and Advanced Pickleball

Intermediate and Advanced Pickleball

Free Fridays Pickleball/Tennis Play

Intermediate and Advanced Pickleball

Intermediate and Advanced Pickleball

Free Fridays Pickleball/Tennis Play

Intermediate and Advanced Pickleball