- Wi-Fi
- Restrooms
- Tennis Center
- Tennis Court (Lighted)
- Tennis Hitting Wall
A 20% surcharge will be applied on out-of-parish registrations for any BREC program that has an activity number.
Youth Programs
194021-18 Pee Wee Program (Ages 3-6) Thursday, April 10-May 15, from 1:30-2:15 p.m. This six-week program is designed to introduce the game of tennis to younter children. Help your child develop motor skills, hand-eye coordination, overall athleticism, and fundamental tennis strokes. Fun is guaranteed! $50 per person. Registration Deadline: Friday, April 4. Instructor: Jeremiah Casson. Click here to register.
194022-01 Spring Holiday Junior Tennis Camp (Ages 6-16) April 21-25, Monday-Thursday from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Camp includes tennis instruction. Campers must bring their own lunch. $180 per person. Registration Deadline: Thursday, April 17. Camp Director: Jeffrey Conyers. Click here to register.
294022-03-06 Summer Junior Tennis Camps (Ages 6-16) Monday-Thursday from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Learn the game of tennis or improved your game. Includes a visit to Liberty Lagoon once each week (campers should bring a change of clothes). Campers must bring their own lunch. $180 per week. Registration Deadline: Friday before camp begins.
Red Stick Tennis Camp June 2-6 294022-03 Click here to register.
Yahoo Tennis Camp June 23-27 294022-04 Click here to register.
Jumpin’ July Tennis Camp July 14-18 294022-05 Click here to register.
Back to School Tennis Camp July 21-25 294022-06 Click here to register.
Adult Programs
194021-61 Beginner Adult Tennis Clinic Wednesdays, April 2-23, from 6-7:30 p.m. This four-week program is for adult beginners who want to learn the fundamentals of the game. $50 per person. Registration Deadline: Friday, March 28. Program Director: Jeffrey Conyers. Click here to register.
194021-72 Intermediate Adult Tennis Clinic Mondays, April 7-28, from 6-7:30 p.m. This four-week program is for adult intermediate tennis players who want to fine tune their game. $50 per person. Registration Deadline: Friday, April 4. Program Director: Jeffrey Conyers. Click here to register.
Private lessons are available with BREC approved tennis instructors. Contact Independence Park Community Tennis Center at 225-923-2792 for more information.

Beginner Adult Tennis Clinic

Intermediate Adult Tennis Clinic

Pee Wee Tennis: Independence Park

Intermediate Adult Tennis Clinic

Beginner Adult Tennis Clinic

Intermediate Adult Tennis Clinic

Beginner Adult Tennis Clinic

Beginner Adult Tennis Clinic