Research in BREC Parks
Research in BREC Parks
Baton Rouge Recreation & Park Commission (BREC) encourages the use of public parks for research, service learning and environmental education on subjects such as ecology, wildlife studies, and invasive species. Such research is vital to helping us protect, manage and interpret these resources to the Baton Rouge community.
Research Permit Policy
All research on property owned or managed by BREC requires a permit. No fee is required but permits must be submitted to the Conservation Department and approved before any work begins. Applications can be submitted anytime but are encouraged to be submitted at least two weeks in advance of scheduled fieldwork.
Annual progress reports are required for all work extending beyond the calendar year before December 1st. Where impacts to park resources or visitor experience are anticipated, these impacts must be minimized and the clear research benefits articulated. Any impacts to the park as a result of research must be repaired or mitigated under the discretion of BREC Staff within a reasonable time following research completion. Permits may be denied or revoked if damage is deemed excessive or unnecessary.
To benefit from park research, BREC requires copies of reports and publications; published or unpublished data must be made available upon request and is encouraged to be submitted along with any summarizing reports. Data must also be submitted upon request.
NOTE: Collection or handling of wildlife may require additional state and/or federal permits and licenses, depending on the nature of the research. See list of contacts at the bottom of this application for more information.
Permit Process
The permit review process should take two weeks or less. Submission of an application for use of a BREC park does not necessarily guarantee that parkland will be made available for requested research. Please fill out the following form and submit to BREC Conservation by email at Conservation@brec.org or by mail at:
BREC Conservation Department
6201 Florida Blvd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70806